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Stefanos Tyros
Ozge Demirci
Paolo Mengano
Tu Ni
Fabrizio Dell’Acqua
Hossein Alidaee
Chirag Agarwal
Brian Baik

Discipline: Data Science, Economics, Education, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Management, Organizational Behavior, Social Science

Lab: Digital Value Lab

Platform: Content & Community

Role: Faculty, Principal Investigator

Topic: AI / Machine Learning, Civic Tech, Cybersecurity, Data & Analysis, Fintech / Digital Currencies, Industry 4.0, Innovation & Disruption, Managing in the Digital Economy, Platforms & Crowds, Social Enterprise

What I do

I study and teach about how big-data and digital technologies are creating opportunities to solve pressing societal and business challenges. How should we structure organizations to take advantage of the opportunities and while minimizing risks that are created? I'm excited to uncover entrepreneurial opportunities to solve these challenges.

What I care about

How do we solve pressing societal challenges facing us today? How do we utilize technology and better governance to achieve these goals?

How I connect to the D^3 Mission

My research and teaching agenda has revolved around driving organization performance and innovation through better measurement, risk management and governance. My goal is to bring this lens to the digital and data driven organizations.

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