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Stefanos Tyros
Ozge Demirci
Paolo Mengano
Tu Ni
Fabrizio Dell’Acqua
Hossein Alidaee
Chirag Agarwal
Brian Baik

Discipline: Applied Science, Education, Management, Social Science

Platform: Administration and Operations

Role: Staff

Topic: AI / Machine Learning, Data & Analysis, Digital Infrastructure, Innovation & Disruption, Managing in the Digital Economy, Social Enterprise

What I do

I enable organizations to reach their objectives by instilling purpose and just enough structure to achieve goals and feel good doing so.

What I care about

I am deeply interested in the past, present, and future of higher education and the role it can play in the world, as well as what constitutes necessary digital technology literacy among all people in a society.

How I connect to the D^3 Mission

By pairing researchers and organizations in research and learning partnerships, I am able to leverage my business, technology, operations, and higher education experience to further the objectives of the D-cubed Institute.

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