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Stefanos Tyros
Ozge Demirci
Paolo Mengano
Tu Ni
Fabrizio Dell’Acqua
Hossein Alidaee
Chirag Agarwal
Brian Baik

Discipline: Data Science

Lab: Laboratory for Innovation Science at Harvard

Role: Faculty, Principal Investigator

Topic: AI / Machine Learning, Data & Analysis, Digital Infrastructure, Innovation & Disruption, Managing in the Digital Economy

What I do

I am an Assistant Professor of Business Administration and the Richard Hodgson Fellow at Harvard Business School. My research and writings center on data science operations, aiming to understand how companies should overcome the methodological and operational challenges presented by the novel applications of data science.

What I care about

How data science is transforming organizations: from the methodology through the technology and the people and process.

How I connect to the D^3 Mission

As someone trained in statistics who worked at a technology company as a data scientist, the D^3 mission aligns with my personal mission to advance our understanding of how companies can leverage data science to grow and thrive.

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