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Stefanos Tyros
Ozge Demirci
Paolo Mengano
Tu Ni
Fabrizio Dell’Acqua
Hossein Alidaee
Chirag Agarwal
Brian Baik

Discipline: Economics, Finance, Management

Lab: Digital Value Lab

Role: Affiliated Faculty

Topic: AI / Machine Learning, Data & Analysis, Fintech / Digital Currencies

What I do

I do research on areas in alternative data, debt contracting, financial innovation and technologies focusing on credit market settings. I also teach the Financial Reporting and Control course in the MBA required curriculum at Harvard Business School.

What I care about

My currents research projects study innovative ways to measure economic activities in developing countries using alternative data. For example, using mobile phone data, we measure financial wealth of individuals in Kenya and study and how access to digital credit improves individual financial welfare.

How I connect to the D^3 Mission

My current research projects study performance and value creation of big data and digital technologies which are aligned with the D^3 mission.

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