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Stefanos Tyros
Ozge Demirci
Paolo Mengano
Tu Ni
Fabrizio Dell’Acqua
Hossein Alidaee
Chirag Agarwal
Brian Baik

Amala Okafor


Amala Okafor

Discipline: Education, ​Humanities, Management, Organizational Behavior

Lab: Crypto, Fintech, & Web3 Lab, Digital Emotions Lab, Digital Value Lab

Platform: Harvard Platform

Role: Staff

Topic: AI / Machine Learning, Civic Tech, Fintech / Digital Currencies, Industry 4.0, Innovation & Disruption, Managing in the Digital Economy, Social Enterprise

What I do

With my background as an attorney and an administrator, I focus on providing solutions to individuals and organizations with actionable problem-solving skills. At D......... my daily activities include managing internal and external relations, deliverables, and timelines between my professors, their lab teams, and outside partners

What I care about

I am passionate about leadership, forming and managing stakeholder-oriented organizations that focus on inventions that drive sustainability, global peace and clean environment. I am also passionate about identifying and implementing good practices that support positive organizational behavior, inter-personal relations across races, cultures, religion and other traditions.

How I connect to the D^3 Mission

Developing sustainable organizations require consistent reimagination of the future of our planet and adopting behaviors that are positive, inclusive, and forward-oriented, without negating the positive aspects of market cooperation and competition. My interest is in managing, discovering and implementing parameters for sustainable, competitive, inclusive, future-oriented organizations and their leaderships which aligns with the D^3 mission.

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