The most valuable companies in the world create value for their customers through data, networks, and algorithms. But most of that value is consumed in the developed world. Is the digital era only going to benefit first-world countries?
When investors play safe, developing countries lose out. So do women, people of color, and other minority groups. And when these groups are excluded, we all lose.
The Tech for All Lab at the D^3 Institute aims to promote accessibility. It will broaden the benefits of digital innovation to reach more emerging economies. By providing knowledge and tools across the stack, it will serve as a launchpad for start-ups and entrepreneurs, and help established companies and governments across the world to learn how to succeed in the digital age.
The Tech for All lab is led by:
- Rembrand M. Koning
Rem Koning , Mary V. and Mark A. Stevens Associate Professor of Business Administration. With a PhD from Stanford University, he studies how entrepreneurs build and broaden the benefits of startup growth and innovation.
- Tarun Khanna
Tarun Khanna , Jorge Paulo Lemann Professor. A co-founder of businesses across emerging markets and in the USA. He holds a PhD from Harvard University.
Activities/Research Focus
The lab’s research agenda will focus on:
- Identifying the frictions that drive wedges between technologies and sub-populations who should be using these.
- How start-ups and incumbents can develop tech-enabled strategies to benefit the underserved and create value for the firm.
- The impact of data and digitization on firm strategy, the workforce, and society.
- How technology can be used to identify “lost talent” that existing labor markets overlook.
- What types of consumers benefit from innovation and how companies can build innovation pipelines that are more inclusive.