
HBS Digital Initiative Director David Homa has a question for you

Dave's videoask thumbnail
Summit journey with marker over listening

We want to hear your thoughts and experiences around tech inequality. Our Summit listening tour co-host David Homa, director of the HBS Digital Initiative, has a question for you. What are your thoughts on inequality in tech? Can you name five words that summarize the main issues? Can you share them in 10 seconds or less?! Check out Dave’s take on the topic and send back a reply in video, audio, or text form to add your voice to the listening tour. (Our team is having a lot of fun with this tool and hope you do too). 

How would you describe tech inequality?

We’re excited to hear from you and we’ll share some responses at Summit Gathering, our virtual event in March where we’ll come together to discuss the problem of inequality in tech and identify opportunities to improve.

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