
Social Enterprise

The promise of the digital economy cannot be divorced from the gravity of the perils facing humanity and the globe. Individuals who embrace this challenge and opportunity manage to create innovative new technologies that do good in the world and chase the bottom line. These are their stories.
Christine Ortiz thumbnail play triangle

Christine Marie Ortiz Guzman on how we are all “designers”

In this episode, we speak with Dr. Christine Marie Ortiz Guzman from Equity Meets Design about equity design and designers, organizational responsibilities to change, and the relationship between capital and lowercase “d” designers.

Family feet

Here’s how to build a smarter app that could make working families richer

American workers need a financial tool that knows their story. Most apps fall short. The reality is that working families across the country face a variety of pain points when trying to improve their financial lives. Many experience volatile incomes, for instance, that make it hard to build savings. Others may find themselves shut out […]

Observing space by tent

Space tourism adventurism

Hopes are high in the private space sector that the rapidly falling costs of accessing space will yield a wide range of profitable activities. In the near term, Earth observation and telecommunications opportunities will capitalize on swarms of newly-launched small satellites. Farther out, space manufacturing at scale, resource mining, and even solar energy capture bring […]

Person taking notes

Deliver social impact by speaking directly to consumers

The idea of using data to drive social impact sounds sexy, cool and exciting. But what does it mean in practice? Where are the tangible examples of how it is being done? Let’s first start with a more basic question. What constitutes social impact? To me, social impact occurs when a person has experienced a […]

Dawn of Vive Reality

In this keynote from our 2018 Digital Transformation Summit, Rikard Steiber (HTC VIVE/Viveport) lays out the possibilities of an exciting, new super reality that combines the latest technologies in AR/VR, 5G, and artificial intelligence. The future of VR is here.

Could a hackathon help solve the heroin crisis?

Is crowdsourcing really the proper strategy for tackling a health crisis as severe as the opioid epidemic? We admit to having our doubts. However, this case from Professor Mitch Weiss addresses those underlying skepticisms and offers a fascinating look at what can happen when innovative minds use creative tactics to get disparate stakeholders for a desperate problem in the same room together so they can finally start talking.

Mapping the burden of diabetes

Approximately 1.5 to 2 billion people in the world suffer from diabetes, pre-diabetes, or a complication associated with it, and yet more than 90% of them never even get tested. To combat this challenge, Professor Tarun Khanna developed a simple diagnostic device that works with any smartphone in the world. The result is a game-changing innovation that is reshaping the state of diabetes testing, treatment, and data analysis around the globe.


CV Harquail on generative business practice

On November 5th, 2014 the Digital Seminar series hosted CV Harquail from FeministsAtWork. CV gave a talk called “Generative Business Practice: How Digital Technologies, a Network Orientation, and an Ethos of Generosity Combine to Transform How Businesses Work Together.”

Man standing between floating cubes

Raymond Fisman on preferences of an elite

On April 15th, 2015 the Digital Seminar series hosted Raymond Fisman from Boston University (previously at Columbia Business School). Ray gave a talk called “The Distributional Preferences of an Elite.”

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