
The 2024 Digital Data Design Institute at Harvard Innovation Prizes

Join Us in Celebrating a Milestone in AI

The 2024 Digital Data Design Institute at Harvard Innovation Prizes (The Cubies) are more than just prizes; they are a beacon of inspiration and a celebration of excellence. Join us in honoring those who are shaping our digital future and innovating for a better tomorrow.


The Cubies will be unveiled at the Leading with AI: Exploring Business and Technology Frontiers conference on May 7. This inaugural event represents achievement in the realm of artificial intelligence and data-driven innovation. These awards are not just a celebration but a landmark event recognizing groundbreaking advancements and pioneering spirits in AI. 


Our award categories stem directly from our communities of practice. These categories are crafted to underscore the diverse and dynamic nature of AI advancements across various sectors. Each category represents the pinnacle of innovation and dedication in the AI domain. One individual and one organization will be honored in each category. To learn more about our communities of practice, scroll through the information below.


May 7, 2024


Zain Verjee

Co-Founder of theZVG
Co-Founder of The Rundown


Sunil Gupta

Edward W.Carter Professor of Business Administration of Harvard Business School

Heidi Messer

Co-Founder and Chairman of Collective[i]

Catherine Feldman

Lead, Human Centered Technology of Digital Data Design Institute at Harvard

Brian Backus

Co-Founder of Hello Wonder

Kara Miller

Correspondent of Boston Globe Media

David Ryan Polgar

Founder & President of All Tech Is Human

Selection Process

Nominations are sourced from a diverse group of leaders across industries around the world. Winners will be selected by a group of experts and announced at the Leading with AI: Exploring Business and Technology Frontiers conference on May 7.

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