The IRS and Big Data: solving a big problem, problematically
…and you owe him backtaxes.
…and you owe him backtaxes.
How Amazon combines its customer-centric approach with data-driven decision making to create and capture value.
Tala has been a pioneer in the alternative lending space. Founded by Shivani Siroya, the Santa Monica based company has demonstrated tremendous success in providing credit to people who are unbanked. Tala uses machine learning from a user’s smartphone to […]
This movie studio has been relying on analytics to make better production and marketing bets.
How Alphabet may have eliminated its data advantage when it bought DeepMind.
Palantir started as a data mining company focused on intelligence and defense, but has expanded in the past 15 years to be among the largest unicorns in the country, working in local government, financial services, and beyond
Flatiron Health is using data and analytics to tackle cancer, which it believes cannot be “solved” by just the healthcare community – it needs the technology industry as well. Therefore, since Flatiron started in 2012, it has grown to nearly […]
MedAware’s machine-learning algorithms mine data gathered from millions of electronic medical records to detect outliers in prescription behavior and flag them in real-time to healthcare providers
If you were rewarded to engage in healthy behaviors, would you take better care of yourself? Vitality, founded in South Africa, is the world’s first health insurer to use behavioral economics and data analytics to incentivize customers to live healthier. […]
Target knows more about you than your closest friends and family. Beware the all-seeing, all-knowing Bullseye.