
Hi DI Friends,

We’ve been busy working on something new that we are finally ready to share!

There is a new cutting edge research institute named The Digital, Data, and Design (D^3) Institute at Harvard. The goal of D-Cubed is to (re)invent how organizations compete and thrive in the digital world and educate a new generation of leaders. D^3 will create content, community, and programming at the intersection of business and technology by hosting a number of labs working with organizations to produce innovative research. With so much of our work aligning it only made sense to join forces, so the Digital Initiative has become a core founding element of  D^3.

Although the HBS Digital Initiative will sunset as its own org, much of our work will transfer to the new Institute. We have thoroughly enjoyed creating and supporting this thoughtful and fun community. Since it has been all of you who have made the DI so great we look forward to continuing our conversations at D^3. If you are as excited as we are about this new direction, check out the D^3 website and stay tuned for more to come!

-The HBS Digital Initiative Team

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