Feb 7

Competition Avoidance vs Herding in Job Search: Evidence from Large-scale Field Experiments on an Online Job Board

12:30 pm - 2:00 pm EST Hybrid Event / Cotting 107
  • Andrey Fradkin

Information about the number of applicants to a job vacancy might simultaneously signal the degree of competition and vacancy quality. We study how this information affects job search. To do so, we conduct three experiments on a large online job platform in which the treatment varies what information is shown to job seekers.

Information about the number of prior applicants to a vacancy increases the number of applications and redirects them to vacancies with few prior applications. Information about vacancy age increases application rates, especially to new vacancies.

To further investigate the causal mechanisms, we conduct and analyze a survey choice experiment. We conclude that job seekers prefer to avoid competition rather than use the popularity of a vacancy as a signal of quality.

This event is free and open to everyone. For event inquiries or questions, reach out to us at

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