
A Complex Interplay: Regulation and Market Forces in the Drive for Health Information Interoperability

Abstract: Congress has expressed concern about electronic health record (EHR) vendors and health care providers knowingly interfering with the electronic exchange of patient health information. These “information blocking” practices would privately benefit vendors and providers but limit the societal quality and efficiency benefits from EHR adoption. We found that information blocking is reported to frequently occur among EHR vendors as well as hospitals and health systems, and that it is perceived to be motivated by opportunities for revenue gain. Because information blocking is largely legal today, the most effective policy response likely involves a combination of direct enforcement and the altering of market conditions that promote information blocking.

Her paper is available here and for background, you can read a commentary on the topic here.

A buffet lunch will be available at 11:45 a.m. The talk will begin at 12:00 p.m. 

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