Dongmyun Lee on GiGA infrastructure-based business transformation
In this flash talk from our 2017 Future Assembly conference, Dongmyun Lee from KT Corporation (formerly Korea Telecom) shares KT’s experience moving into and trying to establish a business model in the GiGA-infrastructure commodity market.
CV Harquail on generative business practice
On November 5th, 2014 the Digital Seminar series hosted CV Harquail from FeministsAtWork. CV gave a talk called “Generative Business Practice: How Digital Technologies, a Network Orientation, and an Ethos of Generosity Combine to Transform How Businesses Work Together.”
Ben Edelman on deregulation, fair competition, and rule of law
Presented at the Digital Initiative 2017 Future Assembly, in this flash talk, Professor Ben Edelman from Harvard Business School explored the issue of “spontaneous deregulation” – when a company deregulating itself by ignoring the laws that disallow its planned activity.
Chiara Farronato on online reviews as a substitute for regulation
Presented at the Digital Initiative 2017 Future Assembly, in this flash talk, Professor Chiara Farronato from Harvard Business School discusses how technology has facilitated the diffusion of online review systems and how online review systems can be an effective way to ensure consumer protection.