

Factory worker with goggles

How sensors and software are solving the world’s greatest challenges

Embedded sensors have created monumental advances in the efficiency, health, and safety of manufacturing facilities — even enabling a factory to build a car by itself.

Christian Catalini presenting

Libra crypotocurrency and trust

New mechanisms are needed to establish trust in digital platforms that are using blockchain technology.

Aging in America and what it means for technology

Since aging is a predictable reality, tech designers should think broadly about creating solutions for different generations.

Acme mortgage company

What fairness can learn from AI

By requiring us to determine what we count as “fair,” machine learning puts the burden on us to choose which values we deem relevant.

Lauren Lockwood presenting

What food trucks can teach us about IT

To make sure your products and platforms are used, try talking with your users before you develop them.

George Corbin presenting

Leading through disruption

Sad but true: most companies’ digital transformation efforts fail due to “internal resistance to change.”

Kathryn Hume presenting

Probably approximately ethical

Machine learning trades exactness for flexibility, but there are consequences for being ‘probably approximately correct.’

Andrei Hagiu presenting

Data, network effects, and competitive advantage

Just because a product becomes ‘smart’ doesn’t mean it will magically gain a foolproof competitive position in the marketplace.

Woman stocking warehouse

Digital transformation’s emerging effect on customer expectations

Times have changed. Our online experiences have reshaped our expectations of real life. For instance, consider your last online shopping experience. Ecommerce provides consumers the opportunity to leverage detailed reviews and recommendations and also enables a level of pricing transparency, all of which helps make wise purchasing decisions. Long lines don’t exist online and products […]

Cars on a highway

The convergence of digital and commercial transformations

More and more old school manufacturers are grasping the notion of digital transformation. Not only has digital transformation disrupted the way in which these types of businesses operate, it has also changed the products and services offered. The allure of higher margins and price-to-earnings ratios, along with greater customer value and retention, has pushed dusty […]

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