ARM Holdings – Powering the Smartphone Revolution
ARM Holdings is a technology company with a narrow focus and worldwide impact.
ARM Holdings is a technology company with a narrow focus and worldwide impact.
Power posing. Underwater sea creatures. Reinventing the education system. Most of us have watched a TED Talk – but how did it grow into a global phenomenon, and is it really just one big bubble?
M-PESA has transformed the everyday lives of most Kenyans, disrupting the traditional banking system and capturing the previously unbanked market. Allowing whole businesses to be run from a mobile phone, the secret to M-PESA’s impressive performance can be found backstage.
Can the front page of the internet be as profitable as it is addictive?
How a mature print publisher reinvented itself and became an industry leader
Uber effectively aligns its business model with innovative operating practices to maximize profits and optimize the experience of both the driver and the passenger.
Leveraging interactive educational technology for a greater mission of equality for humanity!
Netflix consistently delivers fresh, compelling, value-creating content to its users with support from its investments in technology and human capital.
Amazon is a fascinating company to study from the point of understanding a business model, for it is continually evolving. Regardless of whichever business the firm has entered however, it’s customer value proposition has remained consistent to delivering price, convenience & variety. The question however is whether we believe it has delivered on this value proposition effectively. Financial performance has been consistently poor with Amazon reporting razor thin margins YOY. Is this however the right metric to evaluate the company's business model? Or are it's operations and strategy tied to something else entirely?
Domino's delivers millions of pizza bites each day by relying heavily on millions of terabytes of data.