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great post. I wonder, as the company grows, how closely they will be able to stick to their edgy strategy that tends to encourage/welcome controversy (for lack of a better term). Have you noticed any editorial changes over time? Have there been any controversies or breaches of trust that Vice has been able to weather (e.g., Brian Williams)?
awesome post. I recently watched an interview with the co-founder who interestingly stated that he wished soulcycle continued growth/success as he believes the two company’s can co-exist/compliment each other. He also mentioned that he believed the market for peloton was larger than soulcycle and alluded to a desire to perhaps acquire them in the future.
Separately, it seems to me Peloton will need to develop/maintain a technological edge/competency in virtual reality in order to succeed. Do you know what they’re doing to develop this competency?
Cool post. Love this company. I just googled Gillette and the most prominently sponsored advertisement is the Gillette shave club! I wonder how Harry’s is/will respond to acquisition attempts in the coming years. I also wonder when/how Harry’s moves horizontally into knew categories given their strong brand reputation and foothold in consumers’ wallets.