Want to Make Your Business More Successful? Just Ask the Weather Using AccuWeather’s D3 Platform.
AccuWeather is bringing machine learning to the weather industry and leveraging its capabilities to improve business performance.
AccuWeather is bringing machine learning to the weather industry and leveraging its capabilities to improve business performance.
Traditionally, government organizations (NOAA) and private companies (the Weather Company) have collected massive amounts of data via satellites and sensors, but weather forecasting models have had mixed success. IBM’s purchase of TWC in 2016 combines this data with a refined model to provide a hyper-local forecasting system that could revolutionize natural disaster preparation efforts globally.
In the digital age, the value of weather big data is rapidly increasing, but so is the value of unique, live content with personality. Especially if that personality is Al Roker.
The Weather Company has expeditiously transformed from legacy media company to a digital technology powerhouse.
The impact of volatile weather patterns on Macy’s struggle to correctly forecast demand and manage inventory and promotions during the 2015 – 2016 holiday season.
In a world of increasing climate change issues, Nike has been a leader in addressing its impact on global warming.
We all know the classic M-and-Ms promise: “they’ll melt in your mouth, not in your hands.” Unfortunately, chocolate lovers everywhere should fear the negative effect climate change is already having on this beloved sugary treat.
How is AIG, one of the world's most famous insurers, insuring its own exposure to the severe weather events that accompany global warming?
Population growth, climate changes and limited natural resources have challenged agricultural production to grow and become more efficient. Despite Syngenta’s efforts in developing integrated solutions to increase productivity, little attention has been given to synthetic fertilizers and herbicides. These chemicals incur in high emissions of nitrous oxide, a greenhouse gas 300 times stronger than carbon dioxide [1]. Would the $54 billion [2] crop protection market opportunity be misleading Syngenta’s priorities?
Partners Healthcare is adjusting for climate change through changing operational designs of hospitals, implementing sustainable programs, and raising awareness of patient impact from climate change.