Will IBM’s Deep Thunder Finally be the Key to Accurate Weather Forecasting?

Traditionally, government organizations (NOAA) and private companies (the Weather Company) have collected massive amounts of data via satellites and sensors, but weather forecasting models have had mixed success. IBM’s purchase of TWC in 2016 combines this data with a refined model to provide a hyper-local forecasting system that could revolutionize natural disaster preparation efforts globally.

Why does Syngenta promote synthetic products that increase air pollution?

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Population growth, climate changes and limited natural resources have challenged agricultural production to grow and become more efficient. Despite Syngenta’s efforts in developing integrated solutions to increase productivity, little attention has been given to synthetic fertilizers and herbicides. These chemicals incur in high emissions of nitrous oxide, a greenhouse gas 300 times stronger than carbon dioxide [1]. Would the $54 billion [2] crop protection market opportunity be misleading Syngenta’s priorities?