LEGO: Building a more sustainable future—brick by brick
LEGO's supply chain accounts for 90% of the total Co2 emission produced by LEGO bricks– now LEGO is taking action to help suppliers reduce their Co2 footprint
LEGO's supply chain accounts for 90% of the total Co2 emission produced by LEGO bricks– now LEGO is taking action to help suppliers reduce their Co2 footprint
As some of the physical effects of climate change worsen, particularly changes to weather and water patterns, the food and beverage industry is uniquely exposed to these risks.[1] Cargill Inc., one of the largest food and agricultural companies worldwide, has […]
Will banks benefit from Blockchain?
“You can't ride along with your shipment, so let us do the work for you” [1]. Speed and reliability have been at the core of FedEx customer promise since its inception. However, both standards for speed and reliability are constantly increasing, challenging the shipping industry and keeping technological innovation as a top priority.
What could pork chops and bitcoin possibly have in common? More than you might think…
Digitalization may end up saving the USPS from extinction
Digital dentistry has offered vast improvements in the dental care delivery system and is here to stay. While it present a looming threat to commercial dental labs, there is vast potential for them to adapt and provide additional value in the dental care delivery system.
Amazon is moving aggressively to capture new markets emerging from Internet of Things capabilities. But is the company effectively preparing for the systematic risks and opportunities that a new interconnected world promises?
In 2012, Levi Strauss & Co., a denim jean retailer, created the “Climate Change Agenda” to address climate change head-on. The agenda focuses on achieving measurable progress combating climate change through operations, supply chain and education. While they clearly are a leader in the space, are they doing enough?
McDonald’s has been implementing sustainability measures to prevent global climate change but this company also needs to focus specifically on the serious ramifications climate change will have on its own supply chain