Machine Learning at Wayfair

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As e-commerce continues to grow rapidly, data on online customer shopping habits and behaviors also continues to expand. Customers are typing in millions of searches an hour, and each results page is a data point that can be fed back […]

Alibaba: Application of Machine Learning in Logistics

Yesterday, Alibaba reached $31B of sales in 24 hours in the Singles' Day Shopping Festival. Alibaba is able to deliver 100 million packages in 2.8 days. This miracle is enabled by its huge investments in the logistics sector and by technologies including machine learning. Will Alibaba be able to reach its aspiration of becoming the ultimate aggregator in the logistics sector in China? Is its growth in the logistics sector sustainable?

Machine learning in the Energy Sector

The energy sector although old, is still fertile for innovation, innovative ideas are applied day in and day out in this critical industry. One is the utilization of big data and machine learning to increase efficiency and reduces risk via predicting equipment failures.