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On November 21, 2016, AyhanSebin commented on “The Everything, Everywhere, Every time Store” :

great point, i totally agree

On November 20, 2016, AyhanSebin commented on Talking Trash :


On November 20, 2016, AyhanSebin commented on Cue it be real? :

Amazing article!

Thanks for sharing. Blockchain will be the next internet and disrupt any type of business dramatically from B2B to B2C. Last week I had a chance to caht with head of blockchain at IBM. She basically mentioned that, IBM’s number one priority is to commercialize Blockchain in a way to create meaningful disruoptions and value across all businesses. Obviously, finance will be the most important business to be effected by this innovation.

On November 20, 2016, AyhanSebin commented on Are we approaching the end of management consulting? :

Amazing idea and company. We have a similar success story in Turkey. That is a perfect application of crowdsourcing. I believe that most value from HourlyNerd could be captured when global experts/talents meet with local demands. There is a huge talent oversupply and overdemand across countries where HourlyNerd can capture arbitrage opportunities. In addition, I do not belive that this model will bring any end to consulting based on my experience. On the contrary, consulting industry will benefit from access to a larger network of experts and and shift more focus on creating synergies between experts and consultants.

On November 20, 2016, AyhanSebin commented on Bezos, the Washington Post and the future of news publishing :

thanks for such an interesting article. Jeff Bezos is such an inspirational investor with nontraditional business strategies. He was able to disrupt whole retail business and I strongly believe his ownership will revolutinize news business too. Jeff has been in reading business since Amazon sold its first book 20 years ago. Hence, i was not surprised that he acquired a news company. I would leverage WP as an online reading platform competing against Facebook or Twitter. My only concern is whether WP’s brand equity is strong enough to target young, tech savy readers out there or not.

Thanks for sharing, in my research about Uber i also came across the fact that Uber heavily invests on self-driving technologies. I actually can’t see a real benefit to the world with driverless cars. Those investments could be easily shifted more value creating real technologies. Tech companies should consider ethical innovation as a philosophy to add more value. create more jobs and improve our lives. Moreover, I can’t even imagine the necessary changes in regulation and infrastructure to empower self-driving vehicles.

On November 20, 2016, AyhanSebin commented on Online-to-Offline (O2O) and the Future of e-Commerce :

Thanks for sharing. I also believe that blurring lines between online and offline creates new business opportunities for all retailers. In my research, I came across the fact that Walmart and Ebay invest on omnichannel strategy as number one priority. Providing customers seamless experience across all channels is a strong value proposition with a power to disrupt the current way of retailing.

On November 7, 2016, AyhanSebin commented on Nike Tackles Climate Change :

Thanks for sharing Naomi. I delivered various projects in apparel supply chain and was lucky to see how sustainability efforts can improve whole ecosystem and direct all players to focus on more value added business models, efficiency and innovation. Nike’s efforts would not only create a change in the company itself but have a potential to create a positive snowball effect in the whole apparel ecosystem. On the other side, cost pressure challenges in emerging markets and legal infrastructure supplier countries will be obvious challenges in front of the path to sustainability.

On November 7, 2016, AyhanSebin commented on MoBike – A Sharing Economy That Go Green :

Thanks for an entrepreneurial post. My article is also about sharing economy from Uber’s perspective. Many scholars have conflicting and controversial views on effect of sharing economy in sustainability since it may gain shares from public transport. However, in the case of bikes, i would favor sharing economy to be eco-friendlier. I lived in Nigeria and there was bike rental services in a very primitive way but it was a great and budget friendly solution to traffic congestion. On the hand , i still have concerns about the scalability of the business model globally although I am very fascinated that it works in an emerging country despite the safety and trust issues. Many bike sharing companies in middle east and eastern Europe region struggles due to low customer interest due to safety and trust barriers.

On November 7, 2016, AyhanSebin commented on Making a Google Search Sustainable :

It was easy to search to find some interesting tech related sustainability posts but difficult to one – thanks for sharing. As Jared mentioned, I was always considering tech companies less environmental friendly due to hyper consumption of technology by millennials such as replacing a phone every 6 months without any necessity. Although, i admire all tech companies because of their contributions to life changing innovations, I am getting surprised every time how they are lagging behind in sustainable innovations. Finally, it is great to see some serious efforts by tech giants. As you mentioned in the post, monopolies in tech industry diminishes the potential opportunities. However, less competitive industry means higher margins and higher power to invest on sustainability. I believe big tech companies have no excuse not to entirely change their business models to be eco-friendly. They owe to millennials as millennials owe to them. All stakeholders in the ecosystem should incentivize each other more aggressively to create disruptive sustainable business models.

On November 7, 2016, AyhanSebin commented on Apple: Reducing emissions, one target at a time :

It is contrasting to see at how innovative and active those companies could be in product development and creating profitable cash flows while lagging behind in sustainability despite sitting on tremendeous amount of cash. My expectations from Apple in terms of sustainability was much higher and more disruptive as in the case of their core business. However, I feel that those cool and giant companies are not that agressive in investing in disruptive sustainable solutions as they do for disruptive technologies. Most of the efforts are reactive; slow and reputation friendly. Especially Apple has a very controversial history with sustainability efforts due to working with low cost suppliers.

On the other side. it is promising to see those companies taking some serious steps to create real solutions to one of the biggest challenges of our planet. Their innovative competence and spirit is my only hope to cope with the climate change challenge.

On November 7, 2016, AyhanSebin commented on Levi Strauss – Taking the Water Out of Jeans :

Thanks for a fashionable post. I used to work various projects in apparel supply chain and realized how critical to be eco-friendly in this business. I think, sustainability efforts follows a three phase cycle. In the embracing phase sustainability goes hands in hands with efficiency such to reduce waster and water usage as in the case. In the second phase, brands try to push pressure on suppliers and enforce them to implement higher standards. By doing so, brands are able to raise standards without bearing significant cost of sustainability. In the final and most challenging phase, brands should be ready to innovate for sustainability. After some pont return from efficiencies get diminished significantly. Hence, without disruptive innovation in manufacturing processes or product design, brands are not able to remain competitive in terms of healthy margins anr attractive consumer prices.

On November 7, 2016, AyhanSebin commented on Burger King’s sustainability efforts: barely trying :

Delicious but fat article as Burger King and McDonalds. I think those companies are facing with significant pressures to be health friendly and cost competitive. When you add sustainability efforts on top of those pressures, their margins would drop significantly making them less and less competitive especially in emerging markets. Hence, I am highly pessimistic about eco-friendly efforts of low cost companies such as Burger King. The difference between BK and McD sounds just brand perception rather than real and scalable efforts. Coming from an emerging country where BK has a more premium positioning, I believe that attrition to BK’s eco-friendliness would be higher than McD.

On the other hand, any combined efforts of those two giants will drive whole fast-food supply chain to be more sustainable and can create a positive snow ball effect. Hence, BK should be pressured more to match with McD’s efforts.