The Dilemma of a Repless Model
Repless Model is a great idea to reduce costs of a total joint replacement episode but introduces unique challenges.
Repless Model is a great idea to reduce costs of a total joint replacement episode but introduces unique challenges.
How shall we attempt to manage chronic disease in the era of the “Doc in a Box?”
Saint Charles Hospital exists in an urban location with almost no room left for expansion in all directions. Parking is at a premium every day and is very limited. In today’s environment with a strong focus on patient experience many visitors are frustrated before they step out of the vehicle to enter the building for that day’s visit.
When our hospital entered into contract to open a medical facility in Abu Dhabi, all staff were contracted based on a 40 hour work week. Those contracts failed to account for the variation in work patterns between medical specialties. […]
BioPharma knows what to do but not how to…what are the steps required?
Is there any other solution to managing also another similar department at a different hospital site, other than assigning deputies at both sides ?
Investigating e-platforms for an ambulatory vertically integrated health model, which syncs information from various services for various stakeholders.
How to transition from a traditional departmental based organisation into one which is disease / cancer region based with each tumor group / center comprised of a range of specialty e.g. surgery, medical oncology, Radiation oncology, specialised advance practice nurse, within the context of a comprehensive general academic hospital setting.
Optimizing Physician handover: an important communication tool for patient safety.
A Lean review of the pathway for Orthopaedic trauma patients identified many opportunities for improvement but changing practice and process is exceedingly challenging.