A Way for All Consultants to Stay Healthy on the Road

Healthy living and workouts now available at your fingertips when you are home, traveling, or even at work.
The Current Wellness Boom
With healthcare spending on the rise around the world (see Exhibit 1) as a percentage of GDP, there has been an increase push to change from treatment to prevention medicine [1]; after all, what better way to reduce the spending on healthcare than to avoid people getting sick to begin with? As of 2013, the global wellness market hit $3.4 trillion, with the healthy eating, nutrition, and weight loss sector owning $278 billion of the market [2]. Monetizing on this trend, and realizing that people in today’s age are busy, with very limited time to make it to the gym, DailyBurn entered the market with a simple platform of bringing the workouts to the consumers in the comfort of their own homes and a time that is convenient for them.
DailyBurn’s Business Model: How They Create Value
DailyBurn is an online fitness program designed for both men and women to help them stay motivated to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Dubbed as the “digital fitness solution”, DailyBurn focuses on acknowledging a person’s well-being is not just about working out, but also about their overall wellness including diet [3].
DailyBurn is committed to bringing workouts to a place that is convenient for their customers at a time that works in their schedule – DailyBurn acknowledges people in the 21st century are busy and to help people stay healthy, DailyBurn must make living healthier lives as easy and convenient as possible [3].
DailyBurn also quantifies their customer’s success and helps them track it so that folks stay motivated to stay healthy [3].
Daily Burn’s Operating Model: How They Deliver The Value
Video 1: DailyBurn Advertisement [6]
Base Offerings: DailyBurn provides 16 different exercise programs, 500+ different workouts, meal plans, recipes, and supplement recommendations [4]. They use high-profile expert trainers in their 16 programs, such as Bob Harper, a trainer from The Biggest Loose TV show. DailyBurn diversifies their exercise programs so that there is an option for everyone, no matter where they are fitness wise and what types of workouts they enjoy, including: cardio circuits, dancing, kettlebell workouts, yoga, pilates, and weight lighting [5]. To keep customers from being overwhelmed, customers are asked to input key metrics such as current weight, goal weight, gender, age, previous workout experiences, and how much time they will have to work out; then customers are given a recommended trainer and fitness program which best fits their current needs [3].
Technology: DailyBurn offers high quality videos that can be streamed over the internet, whether customers are at home or on the road. Additionally, the videos are available on multiple internet devices, through customer’s laptop, phone, tablet, or even Xbox [3]. The iTunes DailyBurn app is easy to use and navigate; the app logs the current workout data (i.e. calories burned) for customers after every workout and customers can even pair the app with a heart rate monitor for better data [5]. The data is summarized in visuals (i.e. graphs on weight lost) for the customer to track their progress [3].
Pricing: DailyBurn has different low price offerings. The first option is $12.95/month for a cost-conscious customer (often marketed as an option that is cheaper than joining a gym). The second option is $27.95/month, which includes 1:1 coaching. Alternatively, customers could pay for a year up front for $119.95 base or $239.95 for 1:1 coaching [5].
Add-Ons: DailyBurn sells add-ons on their site such as a heart rate monitor, supplements, and equipment (i.e. kettlebells), none of which are required but all are nice to have for the health conscious customer DailyBurn targets[5].
Additional Steps DailyBurn Should Consider
Accessibility: While videos are crisp and clear, customers need a fast connection to stream the content; therefore, this will be an issue for people with limited data on their cellular plans or slow wifi. To remedy this, DailyBurn should consider a function similar to Spotify where customers can “download” the video so that they can watch it at their convenience; then customers could then manually update their stats from the workout at a later time so DailyBurn can still track a customer’s progress.
Team Motivation: One of the biggest drawbacks for DailyBurn is that the customer is working out on their own the entire program. While this is optimal for convenience, it is very difficult for the customer to be consistently self-motivated to do the work-outs and to do them well. To remedy this, DailyBurn should consider adding a teaming aspect to it – for instance, they could have people sign-up in teams and whichever team gets the most points each week earns a prize (i.e. a $25 gift card). While they do have a community function of being able to blog about their accomplishments now, there is no competitive environment [4].
Word Count (793)
- “Unraveling the Crisis in American Healthcare.” Unraveling the Crisis in American Healthcare | Physicians for a National Health Program, www.pnhp.org/news/2013/june/unraveling-the-crisis-in-american-healthcare.
- “Global Wellness Market Is Now Three Times Larger than Worldwide Pharmaceutical Industry.” Global Wellness Institute, globalwellnessinstitute.org/global-wellness-institute-study-34-trillion-global-wellness-market-is-now-three-times-larger-than-worldwide-pharmaceutical-industry/.
- Sela, By et al. “DailyBurn Reviews – Is It a Scam or Legit?” HighYa, 4 Nov. 2016, www.highya.com/dailyburn-reviews.
- , Daily Burn. “Daily Burn: A Better Fit.” Daily Burn — A Better Fit, lp.dailyburn.com/s2_static/index2.html.
- “Dailyburn Review – WeightlessMD.” WeightlessMD, weightlessmd.com/dailyburn-review/.
- “Daily Burn _ 2015 Commercial Spot.” Vimeo, vimeo.com/118193877.
I think you did a great job analyzing the pros and cons of Daily Burn. I downloaded the freemium version of the app awhile ago and have since deleted it because as you mentioned, it is hard for the app to motivate you to exercise. I’m not sure what the solution is, but I think they can do a much better job of motivating people to stay on a particular plan. Perhaps they could interface better with social media or use a monetary incentive like stickk.com.
I found that to actually get a good workout the equipment was needed and I didn’t want to store all of the equipment so just ended up going to the gym where I couldn’t watch the videos. I also didn’t think that the app did a particularly great job of teaching form for new exercises. I wonder if they could partner with local gyms and do some type of combined membership where you can attend certain classes at gyms to improve the teaming aspect and to ensure that people are learning the exercises properly and get feedback from real trainers.
Lindsey – interesting article on Daily Burn. Now that many exercise programs are coming online and easy to stream, it’ll be interesting to see what these programs can do to differentiate themselves. This video helps with accessibility (can stream on any device) and ease (can choose various levels of workout times), so it can definitely solve the problems of convenience that consultants face on the road. However, I’m sure there are thousands of apps that can do the same, so I wonder what will allow Daily Burn to stay alive – maybe continuously updating its video content?
However, to your point about motivation, I wonder how effective a virtual, non-interactive video is in ensuring a person consistently works out. Maybe a person’s ability to consistently workout stems from intrinsic motivation. Or maybe it is possible to extrinsically motivate someone through others, but it is better to do so in a more interactive style. I am curious to see how long Daily Burn rides the wave of success.
As an ex-consultant, I can’t begin to agree enough on how huge these types of apps are becoming. I appreciated your in-depth discussion on the pros and cons of this app. With that said, I’m not sure if your two considerations are actually the concerns DailyBurn should be focused on. People who would be interested in an app like this probably don’t have to concern themselves with access to internet. As for the second concern with a “team motivation” element, I do agree that there needs to be a more interactive aspect to the app, however, I’m not sure if competition is necessarily key. People who want to get into fitness or get healthy aren’t necessarily going to be motivated the same way by not performing as well as their peers (e.g. Stickk). I’d take inspiration from fitness communities like Kayla Itsines (created the BBG and is now arguably the biggest amateur fitness community in the world). It’s essentially a community that allows members to communicate, share progress photos, and motivate each other. If the biggest selling point is that people can do this on their own time, it seems odd to bring a team aspect. Wouldn’t that necessitate coordination and finding a time that suits everyone? Additionally, I’d say that DailyBurn need to invest some time in figuring out how they are going to differentiate themselves as a lot of apps today exist to do exactly what DailyBurn does.
I think Daily Burn’s biggest advantage is the data they are able to collect on users and their workouts. The company should use this to provide customized advice and workout plans for users. This would be a key point of differentiation versus the other apps that are coming out in the space. I think it would also make sense for them to create a network effect through the app, which would help serve as a motivator for users to continue usage. They could create competitions among users (like Jawbone or fitbit) that would allow them to better understand user behavior and grow the app’s offerings.
Lindsey – I think that this is a great article and I agree with you that it follows in the fitness trend that we’re in.
My biggest concern with Daily Burn is how sticky they are with consumers. Do you know what the churn rate is? Personally, I’ve downloaded Daily Burn but unfortunately never used it! I recognize that I could be the outlier here.
I think that Daily Burn should focus on integrating the app into as many aspects of a consumers’ life as possible. Similar to what Hyperadapting has said above, are there opportunities for Daily Burn to partner with other companies? For example, it would be amazing if they could partner with Nike and a company like FitBit. I imagine that for consumers who would be interested in a service like Daily Burn, they would also be users (or interested users) of other wearable technology. By partnering with one of these companies, Daily Burn could help themselves become even more integrated into people’s lives instead of just relying on their app.