God Save the Bean!

Climate change is threatening coffee crops to the point that enjoying a cup of coffee could become a luxury in few years. Will major coffee producer Illy be able to save the bean?

Plenty of Fish – How to Sustainably Harvest New Fish

As the arctic ice shrinks, sunlight will enter the arctic ocean which was previously dark. Fish that hunt by sight are expected to enter this ecosystem in record numbers and thrive on all the pristine food, which the arctic ocean is abundant. Although in the short term, large seafood companies, like Maruha Nichiro (MN) will benefit from this influx of fish, this benefit is likely to be short-lived given the industry’s tendency to overfish and deplete fish species in the Arctic. A critical challenge for Maruha Nichiro will be to avoid mistakes of the past and learn how to harvest this new resource sustainably.

Coca-Cola’s Newest Competitor: Water Supply

Climate change is having a significant effect on water scarcity, especially in developing nations. Food and Beverage multinationals such as Coca-Cola are striving to increase water efficiency and water replenishment in these nations – all without taking a major hit to the bottom line.

Patagonia’s Mission Against Climate Change

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Beloved by nature enthusiasts and urban dwellers alike, Patagonia is an outdoor clothing and gear designer founded in the early 1970’s. Since its inception, Patagonia has a legacy of environmental and social responsibility that has been codified in its mission […]