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Great read, thank you so much for sharing. This is certainly a topic at the forefront of many of our minds. In order for open innovation to maximize its effectiveness, the development funnel has to source multiple ideas, and I was wondering how Navient Labs was going about doing this? Are there ways to increase their reach and align the incentives of those sharing ideas with Navient? These are a few questions I think Navient should be thinking about as it attempts to scale open innovation.

On November 15, 2018, SD commented on San José Tackles Open Innovation for Smart Cities :

Great read Nancy, thank you so much for sharing. I am particularly interested in exploring if there is a way to reorganize local government to make it more conducive to innovation. I think we’ve seen it to some extent with the small scale roll outs of the ideas, but should San Jose take more steps to create a more efficient organization? What are the legal barriers to this? I’m concerned that in the end open innovation can’t work in a bureaucratic organizations so the underlying fabric of the city needs to be changed.

On November 15, 2018, SD commented on A 3D-printed liver: not ready for prime time? :

Great article – I believe ExVive should narrow their R&D spending to focus on the pharmaceutical product development process. ExVive can fill a void in the drug testing process and increase the speed to market by moving the decision making process forward. I’m also hopeful that through redefining how drugs are tested we can reduce the number of harmful human trials. It has always been an ethical dilemma testing drugs on humans and I believe anything we can do to reduce this is a major win.

On November 15, 2018, SD commented on Additive Manufacturing at GE Aviation :

Carlos – great article and thank you for sharing. I’m a little concerned with your suggestion to focus more internally versus continued M&A with regard to additive manufacturing. In a field that is evolving so quickly do you think that GE will limit the amount of product ideas that enter the top of the development funnel, and in turn reduce the chance for step-change innovation? I fear that your suggestion will set up GE to make incremental improvements, but miss the change that will change how we think about additive manufacturing.

I think the previous post brings to light a critical competitive advantage for Alibaba, its data. The leveraging of existing data from the sheer volume of transactions and customers with AI should put Alibaba in a unique position; however, I agree this is only a competitive advantage if they can attract the right talent. Have you thought about the steps that Alibaba must perform to attract talent? Does the conventional way they have hired, trained, and retained employees work for AI experts? Would it be beneficial to open AI offices in countries with expertise in this field?

On November 15, 2018, SD commented on The Growing Market for Identifying Fake IDs :

Thanks for sharing this piece. I found the evolution of the technology fascinating, but I kept coming back to the security of the data. How is Jumio addressing security / privacy issues with the sheer volume and sensitive nature of the data. I fear that here is the potential for Jumio to expose its consumers to the very fraud and security issues it is trying to prevent. It seems to me that the evolution of the form of identification could help in this as the conventional ID is much easier to duplicate or impersonate then DNA or facial recognition, but it would be great to get your take on this.