Grubhub – Revolutionizing the food-ordering landscape

Grubhub – the leading online and mobile food-ordering company, with 8.2million active diners and 50,000 restaurants in its network across 1,100 cities – is redefining the way people order food. Insights from significant amount of data generated is helping the company refine the food-discovery process for its diners, i.e. right food at the right time at the right price. On the other hand, the restaurants are able to optimize their delivery footprints, pricing and online profiles. Let’s see how Grubhub does all of this.

Crisis Text Line: Saving Lives Through Data

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Non-profits aren’t known for being particularly data-driven. Crisis Text Line, however, views itself as a tech company first, helping folks with mental health challenges; it just so happens to be a non-profit. It has now amassed the most comprehensive real-time mental health data set to date.[1]

Foundation Medicine

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Foundation Medicine offers two tests to help cancer patients and their physicians identify targeted treatment based on patient’s unique genomic profile. The company uses information-based approach to identify treatment options for patients by using comprehensive genomic profiling (CGP). The platform […]

One Robot to Rule Them All

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Data scientists and software engineers have built tools to successfully replace many high skilled jobs. But are we about to automate the data scientists themselves?