Farmers Business Network | Disrupting One Farm At A Time
A young startup co-founded by an HBS grad has revolutionized the agriculture sector and put Big Agra in defense mode. And they’re doing so by crowdsourcing farmers’ data.
A young startup co-founded by an HBS grad has revolutionized the agriculture sector and put Big Agra in defense mode. And they’re doing so by crowdsourcing farmers’ data.
Power posing. Underwater sea creatures. Reinventing the education system. Most of us have watched a TED Talk – but how did it leverage its community to grow into a global phenomenon, or is it really just one big groupthink bubble?
Foursquare used crowdsourcing to pivot in the midst of stalled growth, quietly becoming the world’s leader in location-based data.
How does crowdsourcing help create your favorite ice-cream flavor?
Founded in 2012, Dinner Lab was an innovative startup that raised over $10 million in funding, gained over 150,000 members, and had a presence in almost 30 cities.[1] Despite this tremendous growth and demonstrated consumer interest, the company abruptly shut down in 2016. So, what happened?
How HitRecord was able to build, nurture and monetize a community of creative artists
2048? Angry Birds? Candy Crush? Whatever your game is, it can wait. Play a game that produces data for cancer research as you level up.
Biotech firm 23andMe used crowdsourcing to collect vast body of data and fuel first-of-a-kind depression study
With over 40M articles and 15 billion page views, Wikipedia is the fifth-most popular website in the world. With an editorial community of 75,000, Wikipedia has maintained a hierarchical structure to ensure the quality of content. Managed by a non-profit organization and providing content to its readers for free, how is Wikipedia sustaining itself?
Crowdsourcing platform empowers patients to take a greater role in advancing health