Optum: Using moneyball analytics to provided better insights in healthcare
Optum Health helping to improve the healthcare system by developing industry-leading data analytics software.
Optum Health helping to improve the healthcare system by developing industry-leading data analytics software.
CrowdMed aims to help those who suspect they have a rare disease, perhaps were misdiagnosed, or simply want a second opinion provide the story of their health problem to a community of experts.
Introducing data collection through emerging technologies to innovate in the heavily regulated space of insurance companies
A new startup, CrowdMed, seeks to bring the wisdom of crowds to the patient by helping to solve the world’s most difficult, rare, and complex chronic medical cases through online communication, collaboration, and brainstorming.
The @US_FDA does not regulate the ingredients in our #beauty products, so the @EWG #skindeep #database protects us. #digitalhealthrevolution
Putting the consumers’ health and wellbeing back in control of the person through the use of Fitbit.