ZOZO, Japan’s dominant online retailer of apparel and related lifestyle products, with approximately $1B in sales and $7B in market capitalization, has taken on a journey to recreate the world of apparel to the next level. [1] It aims to do so in two steps: 1) enable mass customization of private-labeled apparel products, and 2) quantify all aspects of what makes styles “cool” to become the global leader in product design. Will ZOZO be able to drive the industry in offering customized yet stylish product for the mass? What capabilities will differentiate who will win in the long haul?

A Bridg to Nowhere?

In a world where Amazon seems unstoppable, traditional brick-and-mortar retailers are pinning their hopes on Bridg, a company with thirty employees and one powerful algorithm.

Walmart takes on Amazon: The Journey from Brick & Mortar to Click & Mortar

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The retail industry is facing a digital revolution at a pace never seen before. With the digital behemoth that is Amazon, traditional brick & mortar retailers are challenged to find ways to integrate analytics to remain competitive. This article looks at how Walmart is taking large bets in artificial intelligence and machine learning (ML) to support its long-term growth and their vision of a 'newly imagined future of retail.'

ADIDAS – Additive Manufacturing for the Masses

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Adidas has entered the world of additive manufacturing through the introduction of its Futurecraft 4D shoe. With mass customization using 3D printing as the ultimate goal, questions remain whether Adidas will be the first athletic retail company to affordably scale the technology.