IBM Watson for Cybersecurity Takes Center Court at Wimbledon!
141-year-old tennis tournament – The Championships, Wimbledon utilizes IBM Watson to protect their brand against increasing risk of cybercrime.
141-year-old tennis tournament – The Championships, Wimbledon utilizes IBM Watson to protect their brand against increasing risk of cybercrime.
ZOZO, Japan’s dominant online retailer of apparel and related lifestyle products, with approximately $1B in sales and $7B in market capitalization, has taken on a journey to recreate the world of apparel to the next level. [1] It aims to do so in two steps: 1) enable mass customization of private-labeled apparel products, and 2) quantify all aspects of what makes styles “cool” to become the global leader in product design. Will ZOZO be able to drive the industry in offering customized yet stylish product for the mass? What capabilities will differentiate who will win in the long haul?
Among those wishing for a do-over on the 2016 presidential election, Facebook is somewhere high on the list. Can machine learning help them avoid repeating their mistakes?
Artificial intelligence, specifically machine learning, is not a new topic. IBM’s Deep Blue beat world chess champion Garry Kasparov over a series of chess matches in 1997. Since then, artificial intelligence has drastically improved in performance and is utilized across […]
We all have seen them: “news”, ads, chain messages. They are scattered with content supposedly selected for us: unreliable news, rumors, malicious texts try to divide communities, cities, nations and the world. Fake news is content created maliciously with the […]
The financial services industry is especially challenged in customer retention. American Express has used machine learning to predict churn for its own customers, and have transformed that capability as a product for its merchants.
Amazon's "Open Innovation" approach to solving warehouse automation
Can composers see themselves outdone by data scientists and computer programmers?
Netflix is an on-demand video subscription service offering unlimited viewing for a monthly fee in virtually every market in the world except China. The company currently has over 137 million accounts across these markets in which it competes with other […]
Brief overview of JP Morgan's adoption of machine learning into its day-to-day operations