Detroit and the Future of the Automobile: Will Additive Manufacturing Help GM Beat Silicon Valley at its Own Game?
Software and tech have eaten the automotive industry. Is 3D printing the key to Detroit's survival? GM plans to find out.
Software and tech have eaten the automotive industry. Is 3D printing the key to Detroit's survival? GM plans to find out.
AI-driven product development may help GM find an edge in an industry that has increasingly trended towards conformity in the face of uncertainty. Can GM use machine learning to transform from a company hedging its risk by dabbling in everything new – to a company that thrives on compressed, cost effective design cycles with measurable results?
Discussion of preparing GM for trade disruptions and supply chain challenges.
General Motors, largely known for their fuel guzzling SUV’s, has begun a major transformation with both products and partnerships to become a world leader in low carbon transportation.
What is the role of automakers, like General Motors, in stemming the effects of climate change? Should they bear the ultimate responsibility?