Impossible Foods: How a Burger Will Save the World
Growing cows for meat consumption is inefficient and environmentally costly, but people still need their burgers. Ladies and Gentlemen…The Impossible Burger
Growing cows for meat consumption is inefficient and environmentally costly, but people still need their burgers. Ladies and Gentlemen…The Impossible Burger
As disposable income increases, consumers increase their meat consumption, thereby driving up demand for meat. Founded in 2011 by Stanford biochemistry professor Patrick Brown, Impossible Foods Inc. researches and develops plant-based meat and dairy products. The company aims to provide consumers the taste and nutritional benefits of meat without the negative environmental impacts of livestock products.
What's in In-N-Out's secret sauce?
In-N-Out has been a private, family owned business since its first restaurant opened in Baldwin Park, CA in 1948. Today, the burger chain operates in six states (CA, NV, UT, TX, OR, AZ) with over 300 restaurants and estimated revenues […]