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On November 20, 2016, Minute commented on Self-Driving… You Out of Business :

Great read, thanks for sharing. We’ve talked a bunch about driverless cars lately, but I keep coming back to a position where I don’t think driverless cars will take off as quickly as we think they will. It a great idea and fewer accidents will be great, but doesn’t this only work if all cars are driverless? I imagine there will be a few humans on the road, and the slow adopters are likely to be the worst drivers–therefore, I think the number will improve, but only slightly. Additionally, after the first accident–because I’m sure there will be at least one–the public may push back harder than what we’ve seen thus far. Either way, it’ll be interesting to see how fast we end up down this path.

On November 20, 2016, Minute commented on Uber: Will it go too far? :

Great read, thanks for sharing. Call me old fashioned, but I don’t think driverless cars will take off a quickly as we anticipate they will. I love the idea and I see the benefit, but I think the system only works if all cars are driverless, and I don’t see that happening anytime soon–largely because it’s a ticking PR nightmare and can be destroyed by one accident.
Additionally, the job destruction piece is a tough sell, but it’s a conversation we’ve been having for a while and will continue have. At a certain point, all jobs will be virtual, but I pray that day isn’t anywhere near.

On November 20, 2016, Minute commented on Beer Me A Beer :

Good read, thanks for sharing. I find it most-interesting that the Three-Tier System has lasted this long. While I understand the role distributors play in the chain, I question if there are instances where it would be more-efficient to sell directly (e.g., largest customers). Additionally, technology at the supplier level was a surprise as I wonder how driverless trucks will be perceived and whether the risk can be mitigated.

Great post, as it hadn’t dawned on me how much faith I put into reviews that are likely written by biased parties. It appears that Consumer Reports is in a tough situation because I don’t see a change in behavior coming anytime soon. However, I do see an opportunity to focus on more-expensive products–as consumers are probably more-likely to research these items–and not waste the resources on researching and testing other products. Additionally, it shouldn’t be too difficult to offer reports for individual items in the event there are customers who aren’t interested in the full report. Both options should help them remain competitive in what appears to be a dying industry.

On November 20, 2016, Minute commented on Every drop counts :

Great post. Thanks for sharing! This is such a cool idea and is a great way to use technology to add value to society. I had no idea of the complexities of the blood supply chain, but it’s great to see examples of how technology is increasing operational efficiencies.
I found it most interesting to learn of the range of prices that are paid and would love to see more data there (i.e., do prices vary based on type or is it strictly a supply issue?). It’d also be cool to hear of any stories where an efficient supply chain has saved lives. I love your suggestion of applying to vaccines as well because I imagine it wouldn’t be too hard to rinse and repeat.

On November 7, 2016, Minute commented on A Growing Issue: Cargill’s Climate Change Push :

Great read, Bottle Neck. It’s very interesting how Cargill is dealing with the changes in the Midwest and is even going so far as to cross the border and move into Canada. I wonder how many others are also taking this approach.

Re: the cattle piece, I’m sure it will be a tough solve as they require more space and Cargill will need to house them in an ethical way. I agree with your points around Cargill leading the way on climate change, but I question how far they’d want to push away from meat consumption. I’m not sure how their business splits out, but I’d imagine it will be tough to walk away from what are likely higher margins on the livestock side.

On November 7, 2016, Minute commented on Can Tyson curb the impact of Climate Change? :

Good read, thanks for sharing. I found it interesting to see the impact quantified (eg, 2.5 degree Celsius increase in global average weather will negatively impact world GDP by $44 trillion) as I would expect that number to be higher. Additionally, it was great to learn that Tyson is going as far as water treatment to make an impact.

I would be interested to see how these numbers are tracking since 2012. I imagine the solid waste trend has reversed, but I’d hope to see the recycling numbers increase. Additionally, I liked your point re: the location of farms. While it’s probably impossible to re-locate and assuming they are in the Midwest, I wonder how much natural disasters have played a part relative to general drought complications. Either way, they’ll still remain victims of a harsher, less predictable climate.

On November 7, 2016, Minute commented on Unilever: The Fight Back Against Climate Change :

Great read, JC. I completely agree with your suggestions around additional opportunities for Unilever to fight climate change, because I think education is key. And to your point re: the size of Unilever, they must take advantage of the voice they have earned. It is one thing to eliminate deforestation and develop sustainable agriculture, but those changes will only get you so far. Changing consumer behavior is the driver to combating climate change and we need to the big guys to push us there. Whether it’s through packaging or media, I agree with your recommendation that Unilever leverage their both in the market and within their supply chain.

On November 7, 2016, Minute commented on “Eco Ship”: Future of Japanese Shipbuilding Industry :

Great read, Sotaro. I found it most-interesting that international shipping was only 2.2% of the total world’s CO2 emissions as I would expect that number to be much higher. It’d also be interesting to see how that percentage is trending over time, as hopefully through efforts such as this one, there have been decreases across the board–both in the shipping emissions and the emissions from the manufacture of the ships.
I agree with your recommendation that MHI partner to scale. It looks like ship prices have come down significantly in the past decade and partnering will only further that reduction while also reducing the number of bulk carriers on the ocean and also doing some good for the environment. I look forward to seeing how this develops.

Great read! I’ve always found hotels and their green efforts a bit disingenuous as they often come across as more of a cost savings opportunity than an opportunity to save the environment. In my opinion, Hilton should make more of an effort to conserve energy (eg more automatic lights, electricity powering off when guests leave their room, etc.) to really lower the footprint–we’ve seen these options globally, but there is still a ways to go in the US. I loved your thoughts re: what they should be doing on the coast and hope to see a change at some point in the near future.