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Michael Love
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This is an interesting article, but I wish you took into account a few considerations that could decrease the adoption of blockchain as a mechanism for building trust in companies’ financial statements in the medium-term. Having all of the firm’s transactions recorded and publicly available through blockchain could relay sensitive information to competitors that they could use to poach customers or suppliers and could shed insight into a company’s secret sauce. Furthermore, customers or suppliers could get much more detail about a business’ financials that could show them that they were being overcharged and underpaid, respectively, and they could attempt to reduce the company’s margins through negotiations.
Thank you for your research. Have you researched how countries can actually enforce these laws and verify that companies are in compliance? If the purpose is really to encourage investment, have governments been offering subsidies or tax credit to these tech companies?
Thanks for exploring this topic. It would have been helpful to hear more about Unilever’s reaction and strategy as a proportion of the word count. I am curious to hear how the government did the analysis weigh the benefits and negatives to banning import items and how the actual outcome differed from their expectations. Was there a lead time to the ban to give companies time to alter their sourcing process?
^please ignore the above
Thanks for exploring this topic. It would have been helpful to hear more about Unilever’s reaction and strategy as a proportion of the word count. I am curious to hear how the government did the analysis weigh the benefits and negatives to banning import items and how the actual outcome differed from their expectations. Was there a lead time to the ban to give companies time to alter their sourcing process?
Thanks for exploring this topic. I would have liked to see some mention of the specific names of the rare earth components that you were referencing, so I could more easily read more about them. Have you considered also looking into how most electric energy used to charge the batteries is produced? For example, in many parts of the country, fossil fuels are still predominately used to produce electricity. I would have liked you to include that consideration as the shift to electric cars may have negative externalities on that front as well.
This was an interesting article and I never would have thought about the topic on my own. Over what period does the UN Panel and World Bank estimate the 2C and 4C respective increase in temperatures? Your solutions to the problem are definitely worth considering. Aside from the hybrid mixes, do you know if GMO grapes have been considered in the process? Have you looked into how the sourcing change in grapes or mechanical improvements could impact profitability?