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Really fascinating article. It was interesting to read how using 3D printing, Pepsico could design the shape of the chip. This is an important design feature as it helps to reduce the weight and ultimately the cost of product (production, packaging and transportation) while delivering the taste benefits as per the consumers demand. However, I am skeptical of the scale that this can be used on beyond just designing the “perfect chip shape” and think there may be more interesting ways in which pepsi could have used 3Dprinting.
Really fascinating and well-researched paper! It’s interesting how a hard-ware company could crowd-source ideas and garner such a large consumer interest before it even launched or became a brand. I do however wonder, how the company applies the filter on this pipeline of ideas to develop really differentiated and congruent products. I would also question ways in which Xiaomi could engage or incentivize their users for the ideas they contribute to avoid legal issues.
This was a really compelling & controversial topic. Since the start of this debate, I have always wondered what role facebook plays in being a pure-play social platform or has it been switching to more of a media outlet, as we see its users also depending on it to expose their newsfeed with the latest news. In this context, I would be concerned on how efficient would machine learning be to quickly spot the totally false articles from the not-completely true/exaggerated truths and how do you then balance that with freedom of speech.
This was a really interesting post! Your concern about risk that LEGO might over-engineer their open innovation programs really resonated with me. I would also be concerned with over-indexing on consumer feedback as there can be a selection/input bias on the ideas they are sourcing. I’m sure that LEGO has strong design processes and protocols internally, but the knowledge base of consumers should be discounted for as well. There might also be legal & costs risks associated with such open innovation programs and LEGO should maintain a balance between depending on open innovation and internal designs.
Really interesting concept and well-written post! However, I do wonder if machine learning can replace the efficacy of human taste buds and if it can take into account the “creativity” of developing new recipes which might always be as per the scientific algorithms the “best match”. I’m also curious to know as you mentioned, how such algorithms can take into account changing consumer preferences. It lead me to think if there’s a potential to actually take this concept to create more personalized brews/beers for every individual and what the operational complexities and unit economics of those will looks like.