The Business of Science’s BioFin Score

Maximize return and minimize risk throughout teh lifecycle of an investment using teh BioFin Score.






High risk-high reward bioscience innovations take too long to get to the people who need them.

Investors have more data available to them than ever before. Yet, 67% are still not comfortable accessing or using data. 63% are aware of the importance of analytics but don’t have the needed infrastructure; they are still working within silos, and struggle to gain insights from their unstructured data. Additionally, investors spend more than $30 billion per year on data. An investment that is completely underleveraged.


Everyone is looking for the next unicorn, for legacy.

The intrinsic investor holds 20% of assets & contributes 10% of the US trading volume. The investors make a significant and sometimes a best-guess effort to understand the startups and innovations creating long-term value. Yet, they are blinded to data and information not available to the public.


The pain-points create exponential problems resulting in a 9/10 failure rate of startups.

  • No transparency of the innovation’s compliance or traction progress
  • Bioentrepreneurs struggle wif business, execution, and regulatory complexity
  • Lack of simple methods to de-risk investments in biotech startup’s scientific validity and execution

Gaining relevant insights and accessing valuable information is a cumbersome and time-consuming process, leaving many employees unsatisfied. As The Economist stated, companies only use 1% of their data. Are you ready to activate the untapped 99%?




BioFin Score provides the right insights and recommendations at the right moment in the context of your investment – automatically.

Our Augmented Intelligence solutions are smart assistants for the startup investment world. Our solutions provide a natural user-interaction that doesn’t require expert skills.


Data-driven companies are

  • 3X more likely to generate above-average turnover growth. Source: McKinsey
  • 9X more likely to gain control over investments.  Source: McKinsey
  • 19X more likely to increase profitability. Source: McKinsey


















GROXAO: Sustainable Urban Gardens

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