Come Participate in The HBAP Ideating and Networking: From Personal Case to Market March Immersion Activity!
Remember those personal cases from DSI? The Ideating and Networking: From Personal Case to Market activity is designed to help you refine and articulate the opportunities you identified in your personal cases (or another unmet need you have identified) by exchanging feedback and information with other HBAP immersion participants as well as mentors/coaches comprised of former HBAP alums who have taken an initial idea to market.
The activity will begin with a short presentation on how to leverage diverse perspectives and experiences to create new products and innovation, followed by small group ideation and feedback sessions with a mix of current and former HBAP students from similar industries and interests. This is a great opportunity for you to learn about how diverse networks can lead to new innovations and to interact and connect with some of the other amazing HBAPers who have or are going through the program. At the end of the activity, all participants will be invited to submit their business ideas to the HBAP ideation platform for a chance to receive coaching/mentoring from HBAP faculty and leading VCs/CEOs in tech and AI.
The activity consists of the following phases:
- Short individual pre-assignment (Due March 28, at 5pm ET), completed via Qualtrics
- HBAP ideating and networking: from personal case to market March immersion activity (March 30 from 12-1:30pm ET)
- Idea submissions to Ideation Platform (Due April 11 at 11:55pm ET): all participants in the immersion activity will be invited to submit their ideas and opportunities to the ideation platform as individuals or with other HBAP teammates
- HBAP community crowdvoting (Opens week of April 19): Lastly, all ideas will be voted upon by the over 1,000 HBAPers in our community to select the top ideas to help these teams pursue and take their ideas forward!
The top ideas and teams will have the chance to participate in 1-on-1 coaching/mentoring sessions with HBS faculty, as well as leading entrepreneurs and VCs in innovation, AI and tech.
Mentors/coaches include:
- Your HBS Profs Karim Lakhani, Jeff Polzer and Ayelet Israeli
- Doug Levin: Founder of Black Duck Software and Ayeah Games
- Rob May: General Partner at PJC and former CEO and co-founder of Talla
- JP Milciunas: Entrepreneur-in-residence at Accelerator Ventures and former four-time CEO
- John Winsor: CEO and founder of Open Assembly, and Founder of Radar Communications
- Vladimir Jacimovic: CEO and founder of Continuum Capital Partners
- Rana el Kaliouby: CEO and founder of Affectiva