FOOD52 Makes Every Food Enthusiast Feel like Emeril
Food52 allows food enthusiasts of all experience levels to partake in collective cooking content creation.
Food52 allows food enthusiasts of all experience levels to partake in collective cooking content creation.
Watsi, one of the fastest growing non-profits in web history, represents the next generation of charities. It connects medical patients in the developing world who can’t afford the medical procedures they need with donors via the web who can donate as little as $5 to total amount of the surgery cost for a patient. While a not-for-profit, the company aims to be 100% financially sustainable through tips and corporate partnerships.
Crowdsourcing can lead to significant marketing blunders that can leave organizations in precarious situations, especially when it comes to voting
AngelList – an investing platform with the tagline “Where the world meets startups” – has historically been a platform where angel investors could review self-created profiles from aspiring entrepreneurs (think LinkedIn for startups). If an angel investor liked what they […]
Hootsuite leverages its loyal online community to crowdsource customer support, in turn reducing internal support costs.
Collaborative art is not an entirely new concept but has become easier than ever with the advent of digital technology. Large installations such as ‘Unnumbered Sparks’ have brought crowds and technology together to allow large-scale art projects that were previously impossible.
Product Hunt is an upvote-based site, similar to Reddit, where community members submit and vote for their favorite new or unknown products, primarily focused on the tech app space. The list is recreated each day, generating a live-stream of the most […]
The US public education system has a lot of room for improvement. One education organization is utilizing crowdsourcing to make a change, and bring creative ideas to the system.
Nextdrop, a tech start-up in India looking to solve water utility logistic issues, is breaking many rules. They are a for-profit company, but they plan to make their money from solving a social issue. They are a tech company sourcing […]
Founded by a Guatemalan crowdsourcing pioneer, ReCaptcha and Duolingo harness tiny bits of mindless human work to scan, categorize, and translate the Internet.