Urban development in Tanzania and Ethiopia reflect trends typical of populations moving to cities throughout history. Unique observations were apparent, however, between the distinct centralized planning model used in Ethiopia versus the decentralized approach in Tanzania. Three insights – detectable [...]
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Africa is the world’s fastest growing continent with 7% annual GDP growth forecasted for years to come. Energy infrastructure development will require vast sums of capital over the next decade, with recent reports forecasting $70B annual investment requirement in the [...]
Ethiopia and Tanzania offer the private sector many opportunities for energy investments in the medium-term. Both governments have a stated priority to attract the private sector to the generation sector and are implementing frameworks for future engagement. In addition, other [...]
Opportunities and Challenges in the Sector There are major challenges present that, if addressed, could unlock major opportunities for growth within the agriculture sector. First, challenges reside around transportation capabilities and road infrastructure. Nearly 80% of a crop’s selling price [...]
Mobile Money: Mobile money is a significant opportunity in Ethiopia and Tanzania, as both countries struggle with financial inclusion. Tanzania has one of the most developed mobile money infrastructures in the world. While Ethiopia has a banking rate of only [...]
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