Do or Die? Walmart’s foray into Machine-Learning and the implications for Its competitiveness amidst the Amazonian squeeze
Will machine-learning be the tie-breaker in this new dawn of consumer retail?
Will machine-learning be the tie-breaker in this new dawn of consumer retail?
Now that the 4th Industrial Revolution is upon us, industry titan Siemens is positioned on the front lines using 3D printing technology to optimize and innovate manufacturing processes.
Digitization and the industrial internet of things present lucrative opportunities in the maritime shipping industry. Maersk is leading the way with digital innovations that reduce costs and deliver on evolving customer needs.
A Ford insight in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Over the last six years, Stitch Fix has achieved success in the fashion retail space by revolutionizing the shopping experience. But is their business strategy differentiated enough to stay competitive?
Technology is a new way for consumers to experience beauty – but how far can digital innovation disrupt the beauty industry?
Management consultants are known to be many things – bright, resourceful, and hardworking guides through countless strategic challenges. But as Sherpas through the age of digital transformation?
Following a long history of production processes that occurred within plants, the digitalization era is allowing trucking manufacturers to extend their supply chains beyond point of sale.
Walmart recently announced a partnership with Google to enable voice-activated shopping for Walmart products via Google Assistant and Easy Re-order via Google Express. The data this partnership provides should allow Walmart to create a more customized shopping experience for its customers at scale; in other words, deliver on the "mass customization" model Amazon has taught consumers to demand. The question remains whether Walmart can effectively integrate real time, end-consumer data into its existing supply chain infrastructure to deliver on these goals.
What can Barnes & Noble do beyond struggling to stay afloat with digital in an Amazon-controlled era?