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Michelle Davis
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Really interesting post! Bloggers/vloggers are another increasingly important player in the beauty industry. I’m curious how L’Oreal could incorporate them into new digital innovations. Shoppable videos are becoming more common, but I think that they could push it even further. A number of bloggers are coming out with their own apps and there is potential to incorporate one-click shopping (or one word, perhaps you watch a video blog and tell Siri or Alexa to buy it for you in the color that’s best for your skin)….I am personally excited to see how the beauty industry continues to innovate.
Great post! SO interesting (and really quite logical) that they are pushing alternatives like queso. Avocado consumption does seem to have increased in recent years as a trend, so it seems quite likely that they could successfully market alternatives to become the new leading trends. Guacamole has a reputation for being much healthier than queso, so I wonder if that is something that they should consider in their marketing.
I also watched a news story on robo-bees recently (similar to those Damir discussed in his comment). It seems like a very viable option, though costly and honestly very sad that we’re more or less giving up on saving the bee population.
Great post, Kim. I am fascinated by the ways in which Amazon is shifting consumer behavior and global cultural norms. When I think about frustrations I have had with Amazon orders, it almost always boils down to issues with the shipper (i.e. UPS, USPS, FedEx). I wonder how Amazon will utilize technology to eliminate those issues (not just drones, but driverless cars, greater transparency into shipment arrival time/carrier so that you don’t arrive home to the dreaded “last delivery attempt” note tapped to your door, etc.). Per your first question, I have definitely sen a shift in my own behavior. Because I expect to be able to receive packages in a day or two, I will wait to place orders until the last minute (thus often limiting my options to Amazon Prime ONLY and further reinforcing the behavior).
SO interesting!! I’m ashamed to say that I had not put much thought into how Brexit would impact import and export in the UK. It was really interesting to read the multitude of ways in which companies like Diageo have been impacted though. I thought your note on lobbying made a lot of sense and is a necessary measure. I saw Pratik’s comment on the potential roadblocks and I wonder if they could ban together with companies outside of the alcohol industry (perhaps other big name food and beverage brands have been impacted) in their fight?
Thanks for writing this! I think that It’s interesting to think about what motivates companies to “go green” and whether it’s a PR play, genuine concern for the environment, or fear that by contributing to global warming, they are depleting their own supply.
I was particularly intrigued by your note on sustainably sourcing cotton and did a bit of research into how cotton supply is being impacted by climate change (good article here: https://www.greenbiz.com/article/why-climate-change-material-cotton-industry). It talks about what some companies are doing to reduce their reliance on raw cotton. Levi, for example, created jeans from recycled T-shirts. And companies like Patagonia and Eileen Fischer are encouraging customers to hang onto clothing longer (consequently reducing sales but potentially increasing CLV?) and providing instructions on how to repair damages. I’m curious to see what the future holds for innovation from Primark and other retailers.