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Great post, Remi! I am curious, what your view is on their digital merchandising and market customization (store display, selection, branding, etc.) as their customers became younger, more tech-savvy and more international? It also appeared that the production/operating model hasn’t changed that much since its inception (Is there a standard process to improve their operating procedures beyond an one-off redesign like the project in 2005?). Given what we know about the luxury market commoditization today, what part(s) of their operating model do you think contributed to adapting quickly to a changing customer base?
To build on Simeon’s comment, do you think political environment/incentives in the US (driving for electric car adoptions) versus Europe (driving for energy-efficiency) affected business and operational decisions that Telstra made? How do you think Tesla reinvent the historically dealer-heavy commercial distribution model in the industry? Do you think the rise of hybrid cars and energy-efficient cars by established brands would hinder future growth?