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I really like the article, super informative. I have 2 concerns with the over reliance of Lego on Open innovation –
1. Does this limit to Lego being able to produce only incrementally different products and not a ground breaking product?
2. We often say that often consumers don’t even know what they want, so how will Lego get to those subtle consumer insights?

On November 15, 2018, KML commented on Future X and Open Innovation at Nokia :

Thanks for this article, really interesting read. My concern, in line with some of the earlier comments made is Nokia’s ability to sustain and help these moon shots project for a long period of time from cash point of view. Like Google has Google Ads and Amazon has AWS, I believe a company needs to have a very strong core product to be able to exhibit the patience and cash required for such projects. What is that hero product of Nokia?, Is Nokia doing anything to build that?

On November 15, 2018, KML commented on Can Machine Learning Save Us From Being Stuck in Traffic? :

Thanks Sebastian, this was a really interesting read. One question that comes to my mind is the long term impact that can be created using this data such as construction of new flyovers, number of lanes needed etc. Hoping a brighter future for this amazing application of machine learning.

Really interesting read!
One question that comes to my mind regarding the general application of machine learning in healthcare systems is the rate of adoption among physicians as I have consistently seen that to be the biggest challenge. Do you have any thoughts on how can we speed up the rate of adoption, some of the ideas that come to my mind include – Collaborating with medical schools so that we can make the future generation much more open to the ideas of EHR and active involvement with data to make decisions.

On November 15, 2018, KML commented on Safilo: 20/20 Vision, Or In Need of Better Sight? :

I agree with your point of view on the brand dilution aspect of additive manufacturing when applied to luxury segments. While 3D printing from a production point of view does make sense especially given that wastage is such a huge problem in eye-ware industry, my major concern is that 3 D printing is gaining traction primarily because of its 2 benefits – customisation and faster production rates, both of which are not the biggest problems of luxury eye-ware industry and thus I would be highly sceptical of long term sustainability of this concept.

On November 15, 2018, KML commented on Adidas’s Race to be #1 in 3D Printing :

This was really exciting read especially because I wasn’t aware of the pace at which Adidas is ramping up the production of such shoes. Talking about 3D printing shoes makes me wonder the future of offline shopping experience. Today, the store experience is all about trying out different sizes of shoes and selecting basis how it looks and feels. I believe 3 D printing is pushing the offline experience more towards online and especially for a category like Fashion, I would doubt the scalability of this concept.