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Great post, Kevin! IKEA is truly an operations genius with their ability to bring furniture production to scale and provide such low costs. They are a novelty compared to traditional furniture stores where you have to wait weeks-months after placing an order to receive your furniture – even when the purchase isn’t high-end furniture! When there is such a huge market for affordable furniture, I’m surprised other big names in furniture haven’t attempted to diversify into a similar low-cost model or subsidiary. It’s potentially a lot harder to mimic the IKEA model than it looks!
Great company choice, Heidi! As a holder of several student loans, I’m well aware of the pain points of this industry, particularly pertaining to federal-funded loans. It appears that CommonBond has brought together some clear benefits from the traditional loan financing industry and applied them in a user-friendly and cost-effective method to student lending. I wonder if their success will be hindered by other entrants to this market. It almost seems like low-hanging fruit as federal student loan rates (especially for graduate students) are significantly higher than market lending rates. I’m also curious about the share breakdown of the value they’re creating. Their social mission/core leads me wanting to believe they provide the most value to their student clients, but as financial services grow it’s easy for profits to swing mostly toward their pockets in the end. It will be interesting to watch them evolve.