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I agree Trust is important and that it requires reciprocity on both sides.
Employees are often skeptical of filling multiple surveys without know what management is thinking. As society grows more weary about organizations gathering and tracking data, increase in surveys, though anonymous, could also weary employee and put more strain on the little trust that exist.One way I believe organizations can push the boundaries of trust further is by leveraging the set of traditional organizational surveys to collect anonymous data from (not only employees but also) from the management staff. These data could then be analyzed and insights could be shared with the employees.
This approach can also help open communication lines and help both parties communicate their feeling and priorities. This could also help remove the stigma of being monitored by management when they realize the everyone is being surveyed.
It is interesting to read up on how people analytics should structure and operate within an organization.
I understand a lot of private businesses see this as an opportunity to secure more competitive advantages in their industries. To push your thoughts further, may I ask, can can a similar setup be adopted within the public sectors?
Across the world, there is a decrease in the confidence level in public institutions. So many root causes have been hypothesize but one that draws similarity here is the inability of government offices to attract and retain the right talents for various roles. If this is a possible root cause, then people analytics could be a possible solution.It is possible for the public sector to have a similar setup to the one described above, possibly a centralized organization setup in the governor’s office in other to utilize its resources across multiple departments.