LPA Blog Assignment

April 06, 2020

Read The Full Prompt

Organizations, from startups to multinationals to non-profits to sports teams, are using employee data in new and exciting ways. They are typically trying to improve efficiency, performance, or both, leading to a variety of intended and unintended consequences. Using employee data in new ways often has important implications for employee privacy, company transparency, ethics, and organizational culture.

Your assignment is to identify an article, blog post, or other public source of information about an issue related to People Analytics. This could be a description of an organization’s use of employee data in a particular way, commentary about the field as a whole, an opinion on a particular practice related to People Analytics, or anything else that is relevant to the field. For examples of articles related to the course, visit the PeopleAnalytics@Harvard website.

Write your own reaction to your chosen article in the form of a short blog post. What is your point of view about the issues in question? Are you a proponent? A skeptic? Does your article describe a particularly effective use of data that should be emulated by other organizations? Or do you think it describes an ineffective or troublesome practice? You should go beyond simply describing what is in the article and articulate your own point of view on the topic.

Create an approximately 600-word post to make your contribution on d3.harvard.edu by 6pm on Monday, April 6. Please include a link to the material you write about. Feel free to use graphics, data, videos, and links to other sites to corroborate your points.

After posting your own blog, please comment on three posts by other students by 6pm on Tuesday, April 14. Selected posts will be discussed in class.

If you have any problems with the digit.hbs.org platform, please email diplatform@hbs.edu for help, and visit the digital platform resources page for helpful advice.

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