Jeremy Langer

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On August 20, 2020, Jeremy Langer commented on The Bench :

Very cool idea Ken. Couple thoughts:
1) What happens if Company A’s bench is needed while midstream on Company B’s project? I’m playing FIFA ’20 and I loaned a player to another team, but I can pay a fee to bring that player back if I need them back on my “bench”. Would that be feasible in this shared resource or does that loaned developer need to finish the Company B project before they come back?

2) Is there an option for companies to loan their developers out at their expense for start ups or non-profit needs? Company A still pays for the developer and is able to write off part of the salary for doing work for a third party.

On June 8, 2020, Jeremy Langer commented on CLEAN VERIFY :

Fernanda, this is would be a great resource for consumers and I imagine give certain hotels an edge over others. How does the verification process work? Clean Verify trains their staff? Clean Verify does the actual cleaning?

On June 4, 2020, Jeremy Langer commented on WiBi :

Hi Joe,
Thanks for reading and sharing your enthusiasm! We have not started development of the app yet. While I have been thinking about this for awhile, I am not sure how to get this off the ground just yet. Hoping to get some feedback from anyone that can assist in the process!