Uber Medics and Uber Work: Limitless opportunities for Uber?
While ride-sharing faces a huge decline, Uber has managed to keep its head above water through innovating new services.
While ride-sharing faces a huge decline, Uber has managed to keep its head above water through innovating new services.
Upwork needs to create a stickier platform that participants are willing to pay a premium for in order to both create value and capture value over the long term.
TaskRabbit – a poster child for platform disintermediation.
Checkr has built an AI-backed process to handle background checks. By automating the processing of digital records, Checkr has created a highly scalable business, which can lower the cost of verification on the gig economy.
Workers are disgruntled in Amazon’s MTurk marketplace, but can they successfully demand more rights?
$5 gigs. Feel free to get weird.
Toptal is a two-sided marketplace that matches freelancers who are looking for work on one side, with companies looking to hire temporary workers on the other side. Even though it competed with established large platforms, the company managed to grow faster than the market and establish a successful platform by focusing on the ‘high-end’ part of the market.
Upwork: How the digital revolution is changing the way we work!